Fun Facts About Jellyfish • In spite of their name, jellyfish are not fish and in fact are more closely related to sea anemones and corals. • A jellyfish’s solid body mass is only 5 percent; it’s 95 percent water! • Except for Australia’s deadly box jellyfish, the creatu...
15 Cool Facts About Moon Jellyfish That Will Surprise YouRead More 17 Most Terrifying Facts About Underwater Caves That Will Give You Goosebumps When you hear the word “cave,” you might think of a natural void or a large space that is underground. However, did you know that … ...
Jellyfish don’t have a heart, or blood, or even a brain. They’ve survived five mass extinctions. And you can find them in every ocean, from pole to pole. What’s their secret? Keeping it simple, but with a few dangerous tricks.. Fun Facts More Fun Facts The atoms inside large ...
These remarkable creatures have been able to adapt to all weather conditions without changing much of their daily routine. If you would like to learn more about I have included the link to the National Wild Turkey Federation. Now that you have learned all about where a wild turkey...
The more lethal species of jellyfish are also box jellyfish but are larger and can administer their venom much faster. Despite this, you should avoid the Irukandji at all costs, which is rather tricky as they’re smaller than your fingernail! Another reason to steer clear is that their veno...
Check out any of the cool fact categories below! We are constantly adding more fun facts for kids, so please book mark us and check back! You can also read more about how this project was started below the categories! Animal Facts For Kids ...
The sudden increase in jellyfish clogged the filters that cooled down the reactors, which led to the power plants to be shut down for immediate maintenance and safety measures. Source: Unsplash A seaman once set a ship on fire to get out of work early. Definitely one of the “don’t...
12. Man-eating sharks are not native to the waters of Thailand, but poisonous jellyfish are. 13. The Tuk Tuk, an open air 3-wheel vehicle, originated in Thailand and is a common mode of transportation in Bangkok. The name “Tuk Tuk” is an onomatopoeia, mimicking the noise of the 2...
Jellyfish have two main stages in life: polyp and medusa. The medusa stage is what most of us think of when picturing a jellyfish. The polyps look like tiny anemones, and they are capable of cloning themselves several times over before they finally bloom into medusas.What makes the immort...
So, when they end up at the aquarium’s jellyfish exhibit, Ronnie is confused. Surely jellyfish aren’t as cool as dinosaurs, right? Wrong! Determined to show Ronnie just how interesting prehistoric life wasbeforethe age of the dinosaurs, Miss Lernin takes her back in time to the six pa...