Electromagnetic radiation is all around (and within, and throughout) us and is comprised of everything from gamma radiation on the high frequency end to radio waves on the low frequency end. While most imaging sensors detect radiation in the visible spectrum (wavelengths from 380 to 700 nanomet...
We can measure radiationintensityat any location aspower per area: usually Watts per square meter (W/m2). As it spreads out on its journey, the intensity gets less. Inverse Square In fact the intensity changes as the Inverse Square of the distance. Inverse Square: when one valuedecreasesas ...
that the references to people being killed 'several times over' i.e. they got flattened, burned to death and took enough radiation to kill them as well..Note also, with respect to the above, that the main killer was direct gamma radiation - i.e. the other frequencies in the EM spectru...
There's not a really easy answer for this. Generally speaking, it's not very radioactive. The vast majority of the zone has been decontaminated and is roughly the same level of radiation as the rest of the world. However, in a few instances, Chernobyl lives up to the hype. Normal bac...