The most chocolate-y site online. Learn About Chocolate Our Favorite Chocolate Movie A couple of our readers had mentioned this gem of a film, Romantics Anonymous, and it’s definitely become our favorite chocolate movie so far! This sweet little romantic comedy is … Read more Categories ...
From chocolate consumption by country, gender, and even time of year, the amount of data to wade through can be overwhelming. So here are some of my favorite facts about chocolate; from its origins to its characteristics, and chocolate trivia that will entertain and inform. Interesting Chocolat...
Tagschocolate fun,chocolate history,chocolate humor,chocolate jokes,chocolate quotes Chocolate Links Links to the best chocolate websites on the web. After, that is. Enjoy our collection of chocolate links. Read more ...
This is one of those food facts that is equally fun and surprising. The original oranges from Southeast Asia were a tangerine-pomelo hybrid, andthey were green. In fact, oranges in warmer regions like Vietnam and Thailand still stay green through maturity. 25. Wasabi takes up to two years ...
“Facts about me” prompts can be found at job interviews, networking events, or icebreaker activities. Sharing a fact about yourself in an introduction is a great way to make the experience unique. Be appropriate with what you share because others might interpret it differently. ...
Bonus Fact:The German chocolate cake has nothing to do with Germany. A Texan invented the cake and used baking chocolate named after the creator, Sam German. There are only two times that we know of that snow fell in the Sahara desert. ...
He has over 14 years of experience in researching, informative writing, fact-checking, SEO & web design. In his spare time, he loves to explore the world, drink coffee & attend trivia nights. Popular Today February 13: Facts & Historical Events On This Day Why Do We Give Chocolate on ...
No, you can’t be a real king like Louis XIV; but in keeping with its culture of romance and love, France doesn’t just offer you rooms, hotels, and apartments to stay in. A Fun fact about France is that many of the erstwhile chateaus in the Loire Valley, now serve as rentals,...
Macadamia nuts: We love them salted, chocolate-covered, in cookies… And here’s one of those Big Island facts you may not have known. Most of the world’s deliciously creamy crunchy macadamias are grown in Hawaii – but the nuts are in fact indigenous to Australia!
Posted in America Fun Fact of the Day, America's Best Foods, Strange Foods Tagged America, Burrito, Burritos, Chocolate Burrito, Deep fried chocolate burrito, Doughnut Burrito, Drug Smuggling Burrito, Italian Burrito, Jamburrito, Pad Thai Burrito, Pho, Phorrito, Ramenrito, Sushi Burrito The ...