Bees can flap their wings 200 times per minute. That's a fun fact! 中文:在聚会上分享一些有趣的事实总能引起大家的兴趣。英文:Sharing some fun facts at the party always piques everyone's interest. 中文:我今天学到了一个有趣的事实,关于猫的睡眠习惯。英文:I learned a fun...
Bees can distinguish between many different flowers, so it was theorized that they might tell people apart. Scientists discovered that honeybees could recognize a familiar face, even days after being trained to do so. Fun Fact:Bees see faces in a compilation of 5,000 individual images – kind...
In fact, some bees dig into the ground. There they build their nests and lay their eggs. People lay wood pieces or other things on the ground. Bees can not dig nests when these materials cover the ground. Here is another good way to help bees. When you are working outside, leave ...
Postal Facts 2024 provides the public with information about the U.S. Postal Service. The facts in this publication may be reproduced for the purpose of stating the fact itself, in a business, informational or academic context and the like, and in the body of text discussing factual subject ...
In a not-so-fun fun fact, the few milliseconds you spend sneezing can make you lose track of the distance you travel. No matter how amazing that may be, it is very hazardous for the road. About 2,500 road accidents occur in a U.K. winter due to colds and sneezing. People don’t...
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Random and fun facts to bring out at your next dinner party, about biology, animals, geography and more, for children and adults!
Butterflies and bees are two of the world's greatest pollinators, but how much do you really know about the creatures that flutter through your garden? For those who want to be like a butterfly, and grow, evolve, and transform into more informed individuals, here are some fun facts about...
Oobleck Recipe and Experiments With a Non-Newtonian Fluid Bubble Science Experiments Top 100 Cool Science Facts for Kids! Simple and Safe Gas Science Experiments for Kids Depth of Processing Experiment: How Do You Interact With Information?