In fact, it is active against HIV-1, West Nile Virus, and Herpes simplex virus. Stand-up Comedy I Love the ish Stand-up comedy about living in Britain for 11 years and adapting to the British lifestyle. In Japan it either is or it is not; there is no concept of ...-ish.. ...
Insult to Injury to Casting When boxer, Ken Norton dropped out of the role of Apollo at the last minute, Carl Weathers got an audition. Not knowing he was reading opposite the star of the film, he insulted Sylvester Stallone’s acting and lied about having boxing experience. Stallone gave ...
OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Oh, here's a fun fact. Här är ett kul faktum. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Fun fact: This is exactly how the Apolo 1 crew died. Kul att veta: Det var precis så här besättningen på Apollo 1 dog. Literature 装载更多 最...
22. The first person to “walk” on the moon was American astronaut Neil Armstrong as part of NASA’s Apollo 11 mission in 1969. 23. Neil Armstrong was first, but how many people havewalked on the moonin total? The answer is just 12 people! 24. There is no breeze or rain on the ...
Whether a terrifying or adorable fun fact: bones found at Seymour Island showed that penguins stood at 6 feet tall and weighed 250 pounds 40 million years ago. A scientific calculator is 6 times more powerful than the Apollo 11 computer. A TI-83 calculator has 6 times more processing power...
Fun fact about space: Neil Armstrong's foot print are there to stay.Credit: Flickr / NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Since the moon doesn't have an atmosphere, there's no wind or water to erode or wash awaythe Apollo astronauts' mark on the moon.That means their footprints, roverprints...
In fact it is the hardest natural substance on Earth. Its name comes from the Greek word adamas which means unbreakable. Symbolically, this power translates to longevity in relationships, which explains why diamonds are favored in engagement rings. Additionally, diamonds are thought to possess ...
We teamed up with our friendChloe Olewitz, born in New York City. In fact, born in Manhattan! She is a freelance writer and creative strategist and knows the city like the back of her hand. And not just that. She shares the same passion for unique places, and the same spirit of tra...
"How it really is all about chemistry." Viktor interrupted. "Art IS chemistry! The fact that paint is merely a pigment mixed with a binder is so simple, it astonishes the mind!" The Whistler walked into the Library. He placed his pruning shears onto the table. ...
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