A new year symbolizes new beginnings. Now that the year is about to end, are you ready for the new opportunities that will come knocking on your door? Believe in perseverance and the power of positive thinking. 16. Hats Off! Hats off to the new year that is about to come! We really...
If you laid all of the LEGO bricks sold in 2012 end-to-end, they would stretch around the world more than 18 times. Seven LEGO sets are sold every second. By the time you have read this fact, dozens of LEGO sets have been sold around the world. You could reach the moon with a ...
Spelling – Months of the Year Spelling – Numbers in Words Spot the difference Spring Square Root Squares – Perfect Squares Subtraction Subtraction – 1 Digit Subtraction – 1 Less Subtraction – 10 Less Subtraction – 2 Digit Subtraction – 3 Digit ...
Does not auto-renew. We will contact you at the end of the year to invite you to re-subscribe, but there is no obligation. Monthly Membership $87 / month Order Now Auto-renews each month. You can cancel anytime, but you must let us know before your next monthly payment. ...
Free printable phonics workbooks, phonics games, worksheet templates, 100s of images for worksheets and more. At Fun Fonix you can find resources to support your phonics program and materials even if you are starting from zero.
The New Year Valentine's Day Women's History Month Seasonal Autumn Winter Spring Summer Back to school End of year ELA ELA by grade PreK ELA Kindergarten ELA 1st grade ELA 2nd grade ELA 3rd grade ELA 4th grade ELA 5th grade ELA 6th grade ELA 7th grade ELA 8th grade ELA High school ELA...
Times tables are a key focus for children in year 3, as they work towards the target of learning all the tables to 12 x 12 by the end of year 4. For this reason, I have also included several simple times table games to engage children in learning their tables....
As the end of the school year approaches it’s time to make a simple keepsake – likeend of year memory book! Just think how fun it will be to look back at this one in a couple of years. End of School Year Memory Book Free Printable ...
While May is officially National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, any time of the year is good for becoming more active. And being physically active is way more fun and much less of a chore when done together, we’ve put together a list of 100 fitness activities for the whole family. ...
Learn more:Awesome End of the Year Activities Shelby County Reporter 5. Take a meaningful walk Teacher Courtney G. shares: “The kids from our high school wear their caps and gowns and walk the halls in their elementary school the day before graduation. They go from kindergarten to fifth gra...