绘本故事,是孩子们心中永远的七彩殿堂;是打开孩子心灵世界的一扇奇妙之窗;它像一支描绘绚丽生活的画笔,将孩子们的心灵世界描绘得色彩斑斓。 Claps for the little readers 看!一本本生动有趣的mini book,创意无极限,不仅培养了孩子们的观察力...
Refer to the school motto or theme.Teacher John B. says, “We have a school wide attention signal. We are the Giunta Giants. The adult says Giun-ta and two claps. Students say Gi-ants and two claps.” Tanya M. says, “Call the name of your school and they respond back with the...
80 Main St - Facts-Main St by:嘻哈有态度 66 Photo Slim - True Facts-Photo Slim by:嘻哈有态度 2869 百科知识 Facts & Figures 英文版 by:威仔码头Yahweh_W 8040 Fun Fun English by:LoveEnglish爱英语 5947 招财骏宝 Fun Fun Fun by:莎菲宝工作室 ...
He blowEveryone claps. He cuts the cak a piece of cake. 15、Everyone is happy1 .Why do people put candles o()A Candles make our day brighB The candles also show our a2 .What does a big candle on a()A It shows ten years. B ItC It shows five years.3 .How old is David ?(...
Everyone claps. He cuts the cak a piece of cake. Everyone is happy. 答案: 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. A 二、判断题: 1.Why do people put candles ( ) A Candles make our day brigh All the birds fly to another place in winter. Chinese cranes fly together in big ...
For old people, one big candle shows ten years. Eight big candles will show that a person is eighty years old. The children play games. Then, everyone sings the birthday song. David makes a wish. He blows out the candles. Everyone claps. He cuts the cake and gives each of friends a...
Everyone claps. He cuts the cake and gives each of friends a piece of cake. Everyone is happy. (4)课本P55 Children’s Day in China is on June 1st.On this day all children have a holiday.There are many interesting activities for them. Children put on beautiful clothes. They sing and ...
Everyone claps. He cuts the cake and gives each of friends a piece of cake. Everyone is happy. 1.Why do people put candles on the birthday cake?( ) A Candles make our day bright and happy. B The candles also show our age. C Both A and B. ...
The children play games.Then,everyone sings the birthday song.David makes a wish.He blows out the candles.Everyone claps.He cuts the cake and gives each of his friends a piece of cake.Everyone is happy.孩子们做游戏。然后,每个人唱生日歌。大卫许愿。他吹灭了蜡烛。每个人都鼓掌。他切蛋糕,然后...
and an athletic and curvy body that looks hot in whatever she is wearing and even hotter when she gets naked. She is an ebony princess and you will approve of her hot black ass as she shakes it on cam and claps her butt cheeks together like a twerking addict.Are you ready to show ...