and ended up picking up a second card, but this time with the appropriate cable I’ve caused a massive market panic on Microchannel SCSI cards. Seriously check eBay, and you will see that the pricing has collapsed with many now selling in the £20-30 range. You’re welcome!
Needless to say 360º scrolling and horizontal scrolling is something I use all the time and cannot fathom why we still even have (notched!) mouse wheels. It’s bizarrely a mouse Apple seemingly designed specifically for me and nobody else, I imagine average or larger hands would be extre...
There are countless fun things to do on a snow day, it's just a matter of taking advantage while you can and getting to it, or not getting to it. I'm sure you have other ideas too, so please feel free to share them by sending us a message in our app. Either way just enjoy ...
and you have a Rhapsody DR 2 system up and running. Due to some issues I’ve had with creating a lot of files & filesystem corruption, we are going to create and add two more disks to the system. On Qemu we need to add them via the CLI: ...
However, since I left off the majority of the device drivers as I didn’t want to spend forever trying to track it down, I used a random USB to Ethernet adapter and thankfully It just worked! Accessing the phone over RDP. I added a fancy USB 3.0 ‘dock’ with USB-C connector that...
TheIBM SCSI with Cache aka the SPOCK. Since I ruined the one SCSI card, and ended up picking up a second card, but this time with the appropriate cable I’ve caused a massive market panic on Microchannel SCSI cards. Seriously check eBay, and you will see that the pricing has collapsed...