Fumigationdoes not abate cold smoke. 熏蒸能够消除冷烟. 互联网 Outside wood packaging, we have thefumigationcertificate. 外面有木头包装, 我们也有熏蒸证. 互联网 The mechanism and some questions in the concentration prediction of radiativefumigationare studied. ...
必应词典为您提供fumigation的释义,美[ˌfjumɪ'ɡeɪʃn],英[ˌfju:mɪ'ɡeɪʃn],n. 熏蒸;熏烟消毒;熏烟法;烟熏法; 网络释义: 熏蒸法;薰蒸;熏舱;
fumigation是什么意思 音标: 英 [ˌfju:mɪ'ɡeɪʃn] 美 [ˌfju:mɪ'ɡeɪʃn] n. 熏蒸(法), 焚香, 烟熏法 [化] 熏蒸作用; 熏蒸法; 烟熏法 n. the application of a gas or smoke to something for the purpose of disinfecting it...
沪江词库精选fumigation是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、词汇辨析 英音 [fju:mi'geiʃən] ; 美音 [fju:mi'geiʃən] ; 名词1. 烘2. 煙燻,燻蒸 煙燻杀虫 词形变化 名称 fumigator 时态 fumigated,fumigating,fumigates 英语解释 the application of a gas or smoke to something for the...
fumigation怎么读,fumigation的音标和真人发音 英音[ˌfju:mɪ'ɡeɪʃn] 美音[ˌfju:mɪ'ɡeɪʃn] fumigation是什么意思,fumigation的意思是 n.烟熏,熏蒸;忿恨fumigation 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释...
fumigation [美[ˌfju:mɪ'ɡeɪʃn]] fumigation的意思、解释 n.烟熏,熏蒸;忿恨 网络熏蒸;熏烟;烟熏;薰蒸 更多
Objective: To improve the effect of formaldehyde fumigation sterilization and to shorten the time of the sterilization. 目的:提高甲醛熏蒸灭菌效果,缩短消毒时间。 Conclusion: The treatment of intensive warm acupuncture combined with herbal fumigation could treat mandatory spondylitis effectively. ...
fumigation 法语读音[fymigasjɔ̃]fumigation汉语翻译 n.f.1.烟熏消毒法2.[医]烟熏疗法,熏蒸疗法 fumigation专业辞典解释n.f.【医学】烟熏(疗)法;熏蒸(疗)法:faire des~s contre le rhume用熏蒸疗法治感冒n.f.【农】烟熏杀虫(法)fumigationf.