棕头雀鹛(学名:Fulvetta ruficapilla),莺科物种,曾长期被归入画眉科雀鹛属,为中国大陆的特有种。该物种的保护状况被 …zh.wikipedia.org|基于3个网页 2. 棕头雀鶥 棕头雀鶥(学名:Fulvetta ruficapilla),莺科物种,曾长期被归入画眉科雀鶥属,为中国大陆的特有种。该物种的保护状况被 …zh.wikipedia.org|基...
The Spectacled Fulvetta ( Fulvetta ruficapilla ) is the type species of Fulvetta , an evolutionarily distinct group whose species show a high degree of sympatry in distribution and phenotypic convergence. To pave the way for insights into their adaptive evolution and speciation, we have assembled ...
The Spectacled Fulvetta (Fulvetta ruficapilla sordidior) is an endemic bird species to the southwest mountains of China, distributing from 1250 to 2500 m in the widespread broadleaved evergreen forest and occasionally in secondary scrubs. The present study describes its breeding biolog...