FC-GAGA:Fully Connected Gated Graph Architecture for Spatio-Temporal Traffic Forecasting,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
FC-GAGA: Fully Connected Gated Graph Architecture for Spatio-Temporal Traffic Forecasting Forecasting of multivariate time-series is an important problem that has applications in many domains, including traffic management, cellular network configuration, and quantitative finance. In recent years, researchers...
Danyali, H., Mertins, A.: A fully SNR, spatial and temporal scalable 3DSPIHT-based video coding algorithm for video streaming over heterogeneous networks. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference Convergent Technologies Asia-Pacific Region, Bangalore 4, 1445---1449 (Oct 2003)...
In the present paper, a spatial–temporal analysis approach based on the Hilbert transform is proposed. It can work well with the non-linear non-stationary data typically generated from the time-domain fully-coupled solutions. In addition, the Hilbert transform-based analysis approach is designed ...
The spatial and temporal distribution of dust was analyzed under different conditions. Dust concentrations, particularly that of PM2.5, around the driver were emphasized. Furthermore, the present research will have a positive impact on improving working environment in fully mechanized mining face....
The aim of this work is the numerical homogenization of a parabolic problem with several time and spatial scales using the heterogeneous multiscale method. We replace the actual cell problem with an alternate one, using Dirichlet boundary and initial values instead of periodic boundary and time cond...
temporal and spatial properties in one model. To handle this multi- dimensional multi-step prediction problem, we proposed a data- driven model, named Long Short-Term Memory - Fully Connected Neural Network, to predict PM 2.5 contamination of a specific air quality monitoring station over 48 ...
However there, the narrow-stripe emitter had to be combined with a rotating ground glass in order to adjust appropriate pseudo-thermal spatial correla- tions. On the contrary, the here exploited BA-SLD shall serve as a stand-alone GI light source with completely different spatio-temporal mode ...
The installed capacity growing by 50 % year-on-year at 2023 and 117 GW of wind power capacity connected to the grid. Global cumulative wind power capacity passed the first 1TW milestone in 2023. Additionally, as a major player in the wind power development business, China has put forward ...
To take full advantage of mega-electron-volt (MeV) electrons with large scattering power with matter and mitigated space charge effect, and easy to focus with simultaneously high spatial and temporal resolution toward ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) and microscopy (UEM), we show that one can...