题目地址:https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/remove-max-number-of-edges-to-keep-graph-fully-traversable 题目描述 Alice 和 Bob 共有一个无向图,其中包含 n 个节点和 3 种类型的边: 类型1:只能由 Alice 遍历。 类型2:只能由Bob遍历。 类型3:Alice 和Bob都可以遍历。 给你一个数组edges,其中edges[i] ...
It is shown how to test at any time whether two vertices belong to the same 2-edge-connected component, and how to insert and delete an edge in $O(m^{2/3} )$ time in the worst case, where m is the current number of edges in the graph. This answers a question posed by ...
However, these constructions were only based on a spanning tree of the geometric shape, so they did not produce full connectivity of the underlying grid graph in the case of shapes with holes; designing fully connected assemblies with a polylogarithmic number of stages was left as a major open...
graph neural networks represent atoms as nodes and bonds as edges of a graph, so as to encode immediate and extended connectivities between atoms. As a consequence, graph neural networks are not directly based on PSMILES strings like Transformers, but depend on an initial set of feature vectors...
Our algorithm has an amortized update time of O(m+n log n) and a worst-case query time of O(n), where m is the current number of edges in the graph, and n is the number of vertices in the graph. Each update operation either inserts a set of edges that touch the same vertex, ...
Entanglement is an important evidence that a quantum device can potentially solve problems intractable for classical computers. In this paper, we prepare connected graph states involving 8 to 16 qubits on ibmqx5, a 16-qubit superconducting quantum proces
"habitat.graph" is the habitat-based network generated by "sample.mst", in which each node represents one habitat and distance between two habitats is the average distance of all edges that linked the two habitats in the MST; "habitat.mst" is the second MST on "habitat resolution". About...
There is given an undirected graph G -- (V, E) from which edges are deleted one at a time and about which questions of the type, "Are the vertices u and v in the same connected component?" have to be answered "on-line." There is presente... Y Shiloach,S Even - 《Journal of ...
TheoremIfGisagraphwithkcomponents,thendmax(G)=||G||-|G|+k.||G||:numberofedges|G|:numberofverticesk:numberofcomponents D.C.Fisher,K.Fraughnaugh,L.Langley,andD.B.West,Thenumberofdependentarcsinanacyclicorientation,J.Combin.Theory,Ser.B,71(1997),73–78.Upperboundfordmin Theorem(Fisher...
The application of context modules was repeated and connected by 3 × 3 × 3 convolutions with stride 250. The expansive path is applied to perform voxel labelling. It has a similar architecture as the contracting path. However, with the expansive path, the feature map resolution was...