HTML/CSS:构成网页的基本结构和样式 JavaScript:实现网页的交互逻辑 框架:如React、Vue等,用于构建复杂的前端应用后端技术栈Node.js:用于构建服务器端应用的JavaScript运行时 Python Django:基于Python的Web开发框架 MySQL:关系型数据库管理系统 MongoDB:非关系型数据库管理系统...
Hello,这是Vue3+TS+Node打造个人博客开源全栈项目,最初采用 Vue3 + Vue CLI + Typescript + NodeJS Express 实现,目前已经涵盖了多种技术实现,无论你是 Webpack/Vite 使用者,或者是 Vue/React 爱好者,这里都有你想要的内容,你甚至可以从这里学会多种框架的使用。
/api: the NodeJs Azure Function code used to provide the backend API, called by the Vue.Js client. /client: the Vue.Js client. Original source code has been taken from official Vue.js sample and adapted to call a REST client instead of using local storage...
Browse code Learn how to implement a fully working, end-to-end, full-stack solution using Azure Static Web Apps, Azure Functions and Azure SQL Serverless. In this session we’ll see and build together the simple (but not too simple!) To-Do list referenc...
Code Issues Pull requests Personal web site personal-sitewebsiteportfoliovuejsfrontendcareerdeveloperfullstackfrontend-developerfullstack-developer UpdatedJan 21, 2025 TypeScript Portfolio site of Ali Raza, a full stack web developer based in Pakistan. ...
In my previous post I detailed how to setup JWT authentication with ASP.NET Core 2, Angular 5, and Facebook OAuth. It received some great feedback and also a few requests to make a Vue.js version - so here it is! [...] continue reading ...
waw is a minimalistic Node.js framework that serves as a foundation for building various types of projects. The core framework itself contains almost no code—its functionality is driven entirely by the modules you choose to include, making it highly flexi ...
React + TypeScript + Next.js + MongoDB + Mongoose Vue Vue + TypeScript + Nuxt.js + MySQL + Sequelize refs ...
Project name: » nom_projet > Vanilla Vue React Preact Lit Svelte Others // on sélectionne React puis on a l'écran suivant > JavaScript TypeScript JavaScript + SWC TypeScript + SWC Sélectionnons Typescript simple √ Project name: ... cloneflicker √ Select a framework: » React √... That variable will make your frontend communicate with that domain when interacting with your backend API, when the other variableVUE_APP_ENVis set todevelopment. After changing the two lines, you can re-start your stack with: ...