“In the Hughes letter regarding Felz hit and run, DUI. Hughes writes that he calls Sgt. Corbett directly. There is something called the chain of command. After hours at a police department the Watch Commander is the acting “Chief of Police”. Why would the Chief of police violate the ...
Since when are police officers supposed to threaten to inflict grave bodily harm, carry it out, brag about it, get away with murder and then sue for their jobs back? Only in corrupt Fullerton where the city government is corrupt as all hell folks. Yes with the help of a crooked DA who...
The Fullerton Police Deapartment The Fullerton Police department The Hunt Branch Library the lamestream media The twighlight's last gleaming THE WAR ON GOD The Way Tony Bushala Troy High School Vince Buck weaponized air conditioners Who's who in Fullerton politics wigig Young ...
Do you believe these words representing the official position of the Fullerton Police Department were an innocent error or the deliberate attempt to mislead and fool the public? It is my belief that this was an intentional act by our FPD to state that the residency restrictions covered in Ord....
Wolfgang received threats to stop looking into Sandy Hook, including threats to his wife and sons’ jobs Will need to keep looking into it before developing a strong opinion about it, but certainly hard to square all of this with the official narrative. What do you all make of these points...
The actions of those police officers present was so brutal, so inhuman and so barbaric. And now two of them Cincinelli and Wolfe are suing the City of Fullerton for their jobs back with back pay. Wolfe Cicinelli Finally, in my opinion due to the statements of one Danny Hughes Dan Hughes...
Police Department Training Officer, Corporal Rubio and Fullerton Police Department Sergeant Kevin Craig. They both testified that they saw no major violations of the Fullerton Police Department Policy Manual during the brutal beating death of Kelly Thomas and the subsequent police response to his ...
the DA must believe that Danny Hughes and his field sergeant did not do their jobs properly. Also by definition, please tell me in what police department or sheriff’s department is it proper police procedure to allow the suspect to call the Chief of Police at home in the wee hours of ...
The Fullerton Police Deapartment The Fullerton Police department The Hunt Branch Library the lamestream media The twighlight's last gleaming THE WAR ON GOD The Way Tony Bushala Troy High School Vince Buck weaponized air conditioners Who's who in Fullerton politics ...
In addition, while all too many people in Fullerton during this pandemic have seen their income decline or even disappear, the Fullerton City Council has approved a salary increase for those working in the Police Department. In short, the entire point of the permanent 1.25 cents sales tax measu...