没有从“MetaBase.Platform.AnnouncementDto”到“Volo.Abp.Application.Dtos.IEntityDto<System.Guid>”的隐式引用转换。 publicclassAnnouncementDto:AuditedEntityDto<Guid>{publicGuid Id {get;set; }//CrudAppService 要去掉publicString Subject {get;set; }//标题Subject对应Entity.TitlepublicString Content {get...
ABP 框架 AutoMapper 映射实体时提示 Unmapped members were found 缺少 FullAuditedEntity 字段的一个解决方案 在配置 MapperProfile 的时候, 运行提示映射出错: 对于Workflow -> WorkflowDto 和 CreateUpdateWorkflowDto -> Workflow 的映射, 存在没有映射的属性 IsDeleted,DeleterId,DeletionTime,LastModificationTime,La...
I notice that CreatorUserId is not set correctly if Entity is inherited from FullAuditedEntity with GUID. It will probably have same issue with LastModifierUserId and DeleterUserId(Not tested yet) Abp package version: 5.9.0 Base framework: .Net Core public class MyEntity : FullAuditedEntity,...
When i add a ValueObject as owned by FullAuditedAggregateRoot. Get a exception below System.InvalidOperationException: 'The type 'ISBN' cannot be marked as owned because a non-owned entity type with the same name already exists.' I just reuse code of #2365 to report this error,but in v1...