Full-time university students spend all their time studying. They don’t do other work. Their course (课程) usually lasts for three or four years. Medical students have to follow a course lasting for six or seven years. Then they graduate (毕业) as doctors. In Britain, full-time universit...
由短文第一段中“Full-time university students spend all their time studying.”及“Their course usually lasts for three or four years.Medical students have to follow a course lasting for six or seven years.”可知,全日制学生在大学里学习期间一般为三年或四年,而有些专业如医学院学生的学制为六年或...
新加坡 新加坡的教育水平一直处于世界前列,并且它拥有我们所熟悉的中餐和华人文化,还有着较为安定的社会环境,是读博的佳地。新加坡国立大学(NUS),南洋理工大学(NTU)两所常年雄踞QS世界大学排名前15的高校,吸引着众多学子的眼球。那么,NUS&NTU博士申请有何区别?其Part-time&Full-time 项目有何区别?为了让大家申请不...
诺森比亚大学(University of Northumbria at Newcastle),是一所综合应用性大学,是英国规模最大的大学之一,作为英国最具现代化的新型大学,诺桑比亚大学是英国最受学生欢迎的十所大学之一。大学现有三个校区,主校区在英格兰纽卡斯尔,另外在伦敦、荷兰阿姆斯特丹都有分校。 诺森比亚大学开设有500多种专业的本科以及研究生课程...
In today’s world, majority of the prospective full-time university students are spending most of their time studying. As such, I completely agree that they need to spend time doing other activities too. This will be shown by looking at how physical wellbeing and family life is important ...
审题时可以注意两点,一是限定对象“Full-time university students”,需要围绕大学生展开讨论;二是“other activities”和“studying”存在对比关系,因此需要在论证中提及两者之间的关系。下面,月半鸭和大家一起来看下具体观点。 同意的原因可...
Full-time university students spend all their time studying.They don’t do other work.Their course usually lasts for three or four years.Medical students have to follow a course lasting for six or seven years.Then they graduate as doctor.In Britain, full-time university students have three ter...
( University of Sunderland),建立于1901年,位于英国泰恩-威尔郡桑德兰市,是一所英国公立研究型大学。 桑德兰大学是英国大学联盟(UEN)成员,与杜伦大学(世界顶尖名校)、组卡斯尔大学(罗素大学集团成员)、诺森比亚大学、提赛德大学并称英国东北五校。 02 院校排名 ...
www.showxiu.com|基于14个网页 3. 全职教员 作为全职教员(full-time faculty),必须上四节不同的课,我课程有三堂是设计方面的,一堂是社会、人文方面的。这样,一个 … blog.sina.com.cn|基于5个网页 更多释义
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