full-time汉语翻译 a. 全部时间的, 专任的 full-time英语解释 形容词 full-time: for the entire time appropriate to an activity 副词full-time: for the standard number of hours full-time详细解释 full-time adj.(形容词) Employed for or involving a standard number of hours of working time: ...
美[fʊl taɪm] 释义 n. 专职,全部时间 实用场景例句 全部 The full-time score was 1-1. 全场比赛结果为1:1。 牛津词典 The referee blew his whistle forfull time. 裁判吹响了比赛结束的哨音。 牛津词典 The referee blew his whistle forfull time. ...
full-time中文翻译 adj.专职的;全日制的;全部时间的 full-time是什么意思网络解释 全日制; 全时; 专职的 词组短语 1.full time专职;全场比赛时间;全职;全部时间 2.full time service日夜业务 3.full-timestaff专职人员 4.full time message switching全部时间消息交换... ...
full-time的意思、解释 full-time 基本解释 形容词全日制的; 全部时间的; 专职的,专任的 full-time的解释 full-time 反义词 full-time的解释 形容词part-time full-time 情景对话 就业和工作 B:What do you do? 你是做什么的? full-time的翻译
翻译结果: full time的意思是“全职的,全部的”。 应用场景: 这个短语常用于描述一个人的工作或学习状态,特别是在招聘广告、简历或学术环境中。它可以表示一个人将所有时间都投入到某项工作或学习中,而不是只做兼职或业余时间。 造句例句:(1)He works full time as a teacher. 他全职做教师。(2)I'm looki...
full-time “full-time”的中文翻译 词典解释 美音:[ ] 英音:[ ] 形容词 a. 1. 全部时间的;专任的;全日制的 相关词语 full-timer
名称full-timer 英语解释 for the entire time appropriate to an activity for the standard number of hours 相似短语 full time record全期记录 full time staff【法】 专职人员 full time employment全天工作 full time teacher专任教师 full time job全天工作 ...
Make job-hunting a full-time job until you find one.(在你找到工作之前,把求职当作一项全职工作。) The University of Adelaide employs a full-time staff of fire prevention professionals.(阿德莱德大学雇用了一批全职的消防专业人员。) Eventually she wants to quit teaching and work as a full-time ...
full-time 英文full-time 中文a. 全部时间的, 专任的