Full-Time Student (redirected fromFull Time Students) A person who takes more than 12 credit hours, or the equivalent, at a post-secondary institution in a school term. A full-time student is eligible for certaintax advantages, as is a parent, if he/shefinanciallysupports the student. ...
full-time adj for the entire time appropriate to an activity: a full-time job; a full-time student. adv on a full-time basis: he works full time. ˌfull-ˈtimer n Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, ...
AcronymDefinition FTSE Financial Times and the London Stock Exchange (UK stock index) FTSE Full-Time Student Equivalent (education) FTSE Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences FTSE Fault-Tolerant Shuffle-Exchange FTSE Fundamental Theorem of Software Engineering (Andrew Koenig) FTSE Fai...
The term full-time student refers to a special status fortaxpayerswho are enrolled for a specific number of hours at their school. The number of hours that qualify a student as full-time is determined by the school. Individuals are considered full-time students if they attend an approved inst...
own definition of what it means to be a full-time student; others will use the definition provided by your college or university. The IRS, for example, classifies you as a full-time student if "you are enrolled for the number of hours or courses the school considers to be full-time."...
afull timestudent.•Thisassumesagapof some years afterfull timeschooling.•Jacob also has beencriticizedfor notstaffingher El Cajonfieldofficefull time.•But among those with children under 18,44percentsaid they wouldchooseto work part time rather thanfull time.•There were 12 of us on ...
There are differences between full-time and part-time status in college. We’ll go over how classes, credits, and the college you attend can make a difference.
Full-time jobmeans a job performed by an individual for 35 hours or more each week and whose income and social security taxes are withheld by 1 or more of the following: Full-time studentmeans a person attending or undertaking a full-time course of study and includes a student on a sandw...
Full-time means 40 hours or more worked per week, or a lesser number of hours if: Full-time employee means an employee who is normally required to work the basic hours of work. Full-time student means a person attending or undertaking a full-time course of study and includes a student ...
Explore full-time equivalents. Learn the definition of full-time equivalent and understand its importance. Discover how to calculate FTE with...