Jay Stroburg ... second unit electrician (uncredited) (8 episodes, 1990-1991) Ciaran Kavanagh ... second assistant camera (uncredited) (3 episodes, 1989-1990) Wayne Baker ... assistant camera: aerial (uncredited) (1 episode, 1985) Dan Bennett ... key grip: second unit (uncredited)...
Parks MM, Raphael BJ, Lawrence CE. Using controls to limit false discovery in the era of big data. BMC Bioinformatics. 2018;19:323. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar False Discovery Rate [https://www.publichealth.columbia.edu/research/population-health-methods/false-discovery-...
Lawrence Duffy ... rigging electrician Roger Eaton ... epk camera operator Lee Eldred ... rigging electrician Árni Filippusson ... camera operator: "c" camera: Iceland Freddie FitzHerbert ... camera trainee Brett Flemming ... dolly grip: "b" camera Jack Flemming ... dolly grip...
217], a “conjoint constitution” stated by Freudenburg et al. [218]. These studies demonstrate that acknowledging our interconnectedness with nature might instil a sense of appreciation, responsibility, and stewardship for the natural world. This viewpoint emphasizes the ecological need to maintain n...
Gonzalez Steve Goodacre Douglas Sproul Goodin Denise M. Goodman Steven Goodman Wayne K. Goodman Lawrence Tim Goodnough James S. Goodwin Rita Gorawara-Bhat Elisa Jill Gordon Stuart Gordon John L. Gore Harald Goring Heather L. Gornik Tristan Gorrindo Rinske A. Gotink Rebecca F. Gottesman Daniel...
Climate change has increased wildfire activity in the western USA and limited the capacity for forests to recover post-fire, especially in areas burned at high severity. Land managers urgently need a better understanding of the spatiotemporal variability
Kraker Lawrence R. Krakoff Douglas S. Krakower Daniel B. Kramer Michael S. Kramer Florian Krammer Lisa N. Kransdorf David S. Krantz Henry R. Kranzler Christian Kratz Erin E. Krebs John P. Kress Julie A. Kreyenbuhl Joel Krier Stephen B. Kritchevsky Kurt Kroenke Richard G. Kronick ...
Moreover, construction workers may not have entirely committed themselves to the prevention program if they face the fear of losing their jobs at the same time [32]. Although the lack of effect can be caused by program failure, the question arises whether the intervention would be effective if...
though their limbs are still intact. No matter if it is amputation or neurological disorder, affected patients have their everyday life and work significantly disrupted. Some may be forced to give up their original jobs, while some may even lose the ability to take care of themselves entirely....
The‘Australasian Leisure Management’further stated that theKen Corporationis anticipating hosting 150 events at the arena each year, with a total of three million attendees. A Hilton hotel will also open next to the venue at the same time, while the arena itself will feature a VIP space for...