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New York, NY: Guildford Press; 1986. p. 529–446. Google Scholar Tracey TJ, Kokotovic AM. Factor structure of the Working Alliance Inventory. Psychol Assess J Consult Clin Psychol. 1989;1(3):207–10. Google Scholar Weersing VR, Weisz JR, Donenberg GR. Development of the therapy ...
then “the only economic value of brains left would be the creative thinking of which they are capable” (Guilford,1950). While Guildford’s position is certainly provocative, he may have overestimated the extent to which the
1985, New York: Guildford Press Google Scholar Miller WR, Rollnick S: Motivational interviewing: preparing people for change. 1991, New York: Guilford Press Google Scholar Copeland J, Swift W, Roffman R, Stephens R: A randomized controlled trial of brief cognitive-behavioral interventions for...
Moreover, mobility prediction will be fundamental to initiate the handover with enough time in advance. On the other hand, from a radio planning point of view, the disparity in transmission powers in heterogeneous deployments invalidates traditional DL-based cell association mechanisms. Cell range ...
Institute of Communication Systems, 5G Innovation Centre University of Surrey, Düsternbrooker Weg 20, Guildford, GU2 7XH, UK Atm S. Alam Contributions All the authors have contributed significantly to this research articles. Below are the author’s contributions: Mr TS have contributed significantly...
proficiency (Cheng2008) probably have to face up with unemployment or low-pay jobs. These expectations and practical issues have in time added a lot of stakes to the higher education in general and College English particularly in the contemporary China....
Research into health and health-care seeking behaviour amongst immigrant populations suggests that culturally-based behaviours change over time towards those prevalent in the host culture. Such acculturation of immigrant groups occurs as part of the inte