透過下一代知識庫、館藏管理工具、出版物查找器和鏈接解析器 — Full Text Finder (FTF)加強期刊和電子書的探索發現 - FTF與 EBSCO探索服務 (EDS)為讀者提供快速可靠的全文訪問和更好的圖書館體驗。
EBSCO通过引入Full-Text Finder(FTF)改进出版物发现功能.EBSCO发现服务(EBSCO Discovery Service,EDS)的所有客户都可直接使用这一新功能,非EBSCO发现服务客户则可将其作为一个单独的应用来购买.在检索期刊,电子书和文献以及管理图书馆的馆藏时,FTF能提供直观的,便捷的用户体验.doi:CNKI:SUN:XDTQ.0.2015-01-006本刊...
Data analysis Counts and proportions of data obtained either from the systematic review or the stakeholder survey were calculated using R version 3.6.1, R Foundation for Statistical Learning, Vienna, Austria. Text data from the stakeholder survey were analysed by reviewing responses and identifying the...
DrugInformationFulltext药物信息全文数据库-吉林大学图书馆.PPT,外文医学专业数据库简介(5) Karger电子期刊和电子书数据库 Karger的出版物以医学为主,是世界上为数不多且完全专注于生物医学领域的出版社,每年出版约90余种高质量学术期刊,大部分以英文出版,内容涵盖整
館藏管理更容易操作…並且系統速度比A-to-Z明顯更快。 Quote Image louisiana-state-university-dana-taylor-headshot.jpg — Dana Taylor,館藏管理主管 路易斯安那州立大學 Louisiana State University 閱讀全文
University Libraries at The University of Alabama implemented EBSCO's Discovery Service (EDS) in 2011. This integration added to the use of EBSCO as our serials vendor and provider for usage data. In August 2017, University Libraries migrated to EBSCO's Full Text Finder from a competing system...
Claim that by introducing the patent records into MethodsFinder, BIOSIS has opened up another area of research to its users, and increased the size of the database.EBSCO_AspInformation Today