Parochial and Plain Sermons, Vol. VII A Home Mission Sermon "What a dear Saviour we have found," and heralding the coming of our Master. We are here as the salt to preserve a world, which else would become putrid and destroyed. We are here as the very pillars of this world's happin...
In the morning many Thai people wake up early to give alms to monks. In the evening, temples are full of people listening to sermons. They often perform a ritual known as the candle ceremony where they walk clockwise three times around the temple. holding flowers, incense, and a lighted ...
His character, and the ultimate plan for creation. If you are a regular reader, you know that I am on my second time through theBible Recap. Combining that with my past few years of personal study and great church sermons,
So too did the PLO-dominated Palestinian Authority (PA), inter alia, instruct mosque preachers under its jurisdiction to include in their Friday sermons a notorious hadith (contained in Hamas’s covenant) urging the total extermination of the Jews, as well as wage a sustained international ...
Our Journey as Newbie Full-time RVers Writing Prompts My Escape Writing Prompts The Sunday Message Writing Prompts SoCS -A Dollop of Honey Writing,Writing Prompts JJJ-Bathtub Beach Day Writing,Writing Prompts JJJ & One Liner Wednesday Writing,Writing Prompts ...
The paintings of the great masters, the compositions of great musicians, the sermons of great preachers, the policies of great statesmen, and the campaigns of great generals, do not spring full bloom from barren rock. … If you are a true student you will be more dissatisfied with yourself ...
The soon-to-be-birthday boy. Doesn’t he look more relaxed these days? What a great time just messing around, and a delicious meal to boot! We also swung into Aldi so I could show him their prices on meat, and I picked up some salad greens and flavored ICE brand waters. Last stop...
Now, just because you’ve been running sermons and weekly meetings already doesn’t mean that you can jump right into live streaming them without any tests or practice. Sure, you may have the sermon notes lined up, and Bible verses memorized. But you’ll still need to make sure all the...
Then–I almost forgot him–there was a Methodist clergyman from Boston who explained to the Provost-Marshal that he was gathering material for a series of sermons on the horrors of war. Add to this army of writers another army of photographers and war-artists and cinematograph-operators and ...
On the first day of his visit Ban Ki-moon gave an address to Zambia's National Assembly in which he made a minor allusion to homosexuality. Referring to the days of the struggles against Apartheid in South Africa and colonial rule in Zimbabwe, when Zambia offered a home to Southern African...