The article discusses the full scale input range (FSR) of analogue-to-digital converters (ADCs), which specifies the largest signal amplitude that could be delivered to the converter inputs before the digital output representation of the signal is clipped. Most ADCs have a fixed input impedance ...
使用LINE1或者LNE2作为单端输入,其余所有输入通道设置为未连接,所有增益均设置为0,AGC未开启,进行ADC采样, 灌入1KHz,0.707Vrms左右的正弦波信号,得到的采样值就接近满偏 full scale。符合芯片规格书上的描述。 而使用mic3R(pin14)作为单端输入,其余所有输入通道设置为未连接,所有增益均设置为0,AGC未开启,进行ADC采...
2. Is it possible not to use the PGA so the Full-Scale Range ends at Vcc (Vcc = Vref)? Now if I want to calculate the resistance of the thermistor I have to use the following equation: R = 10K / (65535/ADC - 1) with ADC = ADC-value * 8.192/3.3 ...
Part Number:ADC32RF45 For the ADC32RF45, If I use the data sheet specifications which is 1.35Vpp for full-scale input and differential dc resistance of 65 ohms, the full-scale power input is 5.44 dBm whereas if I look at the quick start procedure...
How is differential input full-scale defined for the ADC3421? Given these specifications: Differential input full-scale voltage: 2 Vpp Input common-mode voltage: 0.95 V Then does this mean that the input pins INAP and INAM can be any voltage within the range of 0.45...
则USER_ADC_FULL_SCALE_CURRENT_A 取值应该为81.5,还是163? 我选用的电流传感器测电机三相电流,那么电流传感器的量程是0-163.对应AD口的0-3.3V, 则USER_ADC_FULL_SCALE_CURRENT_A 取值应该为81.5,还是163? ERIC: 你得去看user guide,知道USER_ADC_FULL_SCALE_CURRENT_A 的含义是什...
您现在的位置:生物医药大词典 >> 通用词典 >> 词汇解释: 双极性ADC或DAC的\nnegative full scale【电子】 双极性ADC或DAC的\nnegative full scale【电子】分享到: 负满度分类: 科技词汇 | 查看相关文献(pubmed) | 免费全文文献 详细解释:以下为句子列表:分享到: ...
By lowering the supply rail below ground, the op amp is now able to use the full-scale range of the ADC without sacrificing linearity. Figure 8 shows the output drive of an amplifier in a true zero output voltage application. VIN +V VOUT + ± 0V 0V -V Figure 8. Amplifier Output ...
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Part Number: TLV320ADC5140 hi, all The only typical value of input full scale AC signal voltage is listed in ADC5140 DS. and its 2Vrms. a customer needs to know what its min. and max. value of input full scale AC signal voltage?