Full retirement age is the age at which you can receive full Social Security retirement benefits. Your FRA varies depending on the year in which you were born.
Operations and maintenance expenses were$575.5 millionfor 2023 compared to$613.6 millionin the prior year. The decrease in operations and maintenance expenses was primarily a result of lower operating expenses, customer assistance program expenses, employee retirement expenses, and customer bad deb...
changes in pension and medical expenses associated with our retirement benefit programs; social, political, competitive and economic situations in foreign countries where we do business or seek new business; the impact of COVD-10 or other similar global health crises; and the ...
The Plan defines "retirement" as age 60 or older for the purposes of vesting. On termination of employment for reasons other than retirement, disability or death, the amounts credited to the accounts of participants are vested as follows: Employee Contributions — Employee contributions (salary ...