The overall trend in our risk map (Fig. 4) aligns with the Ethiopian national malaria risk stratification map [14], showing a relatively higher burden in the western and northwestern parts of the country which is also consistent with non-epidemic years [13]. Factors that could have a ...
The specific location of the traps at each site was selected to provide shade, nearby vegetation, shelter from rain and wind, access to electrical power and protection from theft. The complete trap rotation was performed within 6 days, and three replicates/area were conducted in the following ...
inflicting economic losses and at times even obstructing agricultural activities. As emphasized by [1], the effective management and control of diseases are paramount to mitigate output losses and ensure the sustainability of agriculture. This underscores...
The world map projection is via Google geo chart: Full size image Search and browse images A user searches for images or collections via a name or various metadata parameters. Current search fields include: class, ...
Pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) is a major problem for wheat production due to its direct detrimental effects on wheat yield, end-use quality and seed viability. Annually, PHS is estimated to cause > 1.0 billion USD in losses worldwide. Therefore, i
As a technical note, the BG-Counter cannot simply be turned around, since the sensor openings would be exposed to rain, allowing the entry of moisture (Additional file 1: Fig. S1). The entering funnel has to be replaced by a thread adapter enabling the connection of the BG-Counter to ...
Analysis of the heat map was created across the morphological, photosynthetic, biochemical, and ion contents in both cultivars of wheat. The variation of colors in the boxes shows the interaction strength between the recorded above-mentioned indices and treatments. Scale colors from blue (strongly po...
The Bovine HapMap Consortium has generated assay panels to genotype ~30,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from 501 animals sampled from 19 worldwide taurine and indicine breeds, plus two outgroup species (Anoa and Water Buffalo). Within the larger set of SNPs we targeted 101 high densit...
More than half of the world’s population depends on rice as their staple food, and, in Africa, the overall demand for rice has outstripped local production (Zenna et al. 2017). Moreover, ongoing global warming exposes rice production to serious risks, such as extreme heavy rain, flooding...
with below 0 °C throughout the year, whereas the Terai region has the highest temperatures that can reach up to 46 °C. Eighty percent of the precipitation that falls in Nepal comes in the form of summer monsoon rain, from June to September (Bhuju et al.2007; Mishra et al.2014; Pou...