new fullpage({ licenseKey: 'YOUR_KEY_HERE' }); v2compatible: (default false). Determines whether to make it 100% compatible with any code written for version 2, ignoring new features or api changes of version 3. State classes, callbacks signature etc. will work exactly in the same way ...
Full page scrolling Changing browser URL and history. Watch how the URL changes as you scroll. Try refreshing on a changed page. Embeds like CodePens and Tweets have their<script>s loaded and embeds rendered The code looks like this: <divclass="article-feed"><!-- .articles will be added...
🔗 Codepen job board: 🔗 🔗 Fullstack Job: 🔗 Authentic jobs: 🔗 Jobspresso: 🔗 Jobs in Europe: 🔗 TripleByte: http...
其中meta、links 会运行在浏览器上,loader、action 会运行在 Server 上,而 default 导出的组件在浏览器和 Server 上都会运行(SSR),前端后端的代码都可以写在一个文件中,逻辑更加内聚,Remix 的 Compiler 通过 esbuild 的 treeshake,build client 时会把不需要的 server 代码 treeshake 掉,build server 时会把不...
Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='.myBackground.jpg', sizingMethod='scale'); -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='myBackground.jpg', sizingMethod='scale')"; But careful, reader Pierre Orsander said they tried this and had some problems with links on the page ...
Okay, time to make our page look decent. I find it easier to first build a static HTML/CSS layout in CodePen and then adopt it for the project. Check out the pen I created, to see, how our app is going to look like. For me, CSS is always the hardest part, so please do not...
setData(request); return json(res); } // React 组件 export default function IndexPage() { return ( <div>{/* ... */}</div> ) } 其中meta、links 会运行在浏览器上,loader、action 会运行在 Server 上,而 default 导出的组件在浏览器和 Server 上都会运行(SSR),前端后端的代码都可以写在一...
setData(request); return json(res); } // React 组件 export default function IndexPage() { return ( <div>{/* ... */}</div> ) } 其中meta、links 会运行在浏览器上,loader、action 会运行在 Server 上,而 default 导出的组件在浏览器和 Server 上都会运行(SSR),前端后端的代码都可以写在一...
setData(request); return json(res); } // React 组件 export default function IndexPage() { return ( <div>{/* ... */}</div> ) } 其中meta、links 会运行在浏览器上,loader、action 会运行在 Server 上,而 default 导出的组件在浏览器和 Server 上都会运行(SSR),前端后端的代码都可以写在一...