student”指的是全日制,“part-time student”指的是非全日制,两者主要的区别在于学制不同。具体区别如下:一、上课方式不同 “full-time student”属于脱产学习,所有时间用在学校里学习课程;“part-time student”主要是在周末上课或者课量较少。二、招生方式不同 “full-time student”参加统一考试;...
There are differences between full-time and part-time status in college. We’ll go over how classes, credits, and the college you attend can make a difference.
The most obvious difference between a part-time and full-time student is the number of credit hours in any given semester. So, how many classes are full-time? This depends on where you go to school, but it’s typically considered nine credit hours (or three classes per semester)....
被加拿大两所大学录取,一所是带co-op的商学学士,这个显示的是part-time student。另一所是经济学,是full-time student,顿时凌乱,具体是什么意思,求解释! xucheng1588 采纳率:51% 等级:12 已帮助:8986人 私信TA向TA提问 1个回答 天气不错qkk 2013.11.12 天气不错qkk 采纳率:47% 等级:12 已帮助:6035人 私...
As a part-time student, you may have more time for this. Full-time students spend more time on campus, which can lead to more opportunities to learn about and join groups or clubs, also making it more convenient to attend them. TuitionThe cost of tuition depends on the program, but ...
全日制学生 和 兼职学生 就英国的研究生来说 全日制学生一年完成学业 兼职学生两年完成学业 课程设置基本是一样的 相对来说兼职的容易些 读出来文凭估计差点
An Analysis of Student Satisfaction: Full-Time versus Part-Time Students. Social Indicators Research, 96(2), 363-378.Moro-Egido, A. I., Pandes, J., 2010, An analysis of students Satisfaction:Full-Time vs. Part-Time Students, Social Indicators Research , 96(2), 363-378....
Making the decision to enroll in college is only one part of choosing to pursue your higher education; the other is figuring out whether to enroll as a full-time or part-time student. Although attending school full-time is more common, not all students follow this pat...