full 是“满的”意思,所以 so full of yourself 可以想成“太自满了”,这句话就是:你别太自以为是了。以后遇到自我感觉良好又爱吹牛的人,这句英文可以直接登场啦!例句:You are very full of yourself today , I must say .你今天太自以为是了,我不得不说出来。除此之外,遇到自负的人,你也可以说...
大家好,今天我们分享一个表达——full of yourself, 它的中文含义不是“满是自己”,其真正的含义是:full of oneself 自以为是; 目空一切 I can't stand her - she's so full of herself.我受不了她——她真够自以为是的。If you were not so full of yourself, maybe you would be able to sto...
full of yourself 全是你自己 双语对照 例句:1.You can't be a servant if you're full of yourself. It's only when we forget ourselves thatwe do the things that deserve to be remembered.自我中心的人不能作仆人,除非我们忘却自己,否则所做的便不值得被记念。2.For many reading thei...
你知道You're full of it的意思吗?注意与You're full of yourself区分(第121期)80分妈妈 立即播放 打开App,看更多精彩视频100+个相关视频 更多 139.8万 680 01:01 百万播放 App 最难英文翻译:你妹! 22.3万 60 01:34 App 能听懂这段英文,说明你真的很厉害哦 4665 1 04:01 App 你知道go over sb's...
be full of oneself:自以为是,只顾自己。 You are full of yourself. He is full of himself. She is full of herself. 她有点自以为是,一点儿都不关心其他人。 She is full of herself, and doesn’t care about others at all. 你太自以为是...
新概念口语:Full of Yourself 很自恋 Full of Yourself 很自恋 Bai Jie, don't you think I look absolutely stunning today? 白洁,难道你不觉得我今天看起来很漂亮吗? I think you're absolutely full of yourself today! 我觉得你今天很自恋! narcissist 自我陶醉者...
下列哪一个是full of yourself的中文含义?选完再查有道词典哦~(正确答案在评论区) #有道英语角# http://t.cn/A6yAtQUs
thinkingthat you are veryimportantin a way thatannoysotherpeople: Idoubtheeventhoughtabout what you might need, he’s so full of himself. (Definition offull of yourselffrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press) ...
词汇 be full of yourself 释义 be full of yourself be full of yourself to have a high opinion of yourself – used to show disapproval 自以为是〔含贬义〕 My first impression was that he was a bit full of himself. 我的第一印象是他有点自以为是。 Examples from the Corpus be full of ...