Additionally, pain thresholds including HPT, CPT, MPT and PPT will be assessed in the contralateral lower limb (upper anterolateral aspect of the tibialis anterior muscle) to determine potential effects on generalised hypersensitivity. QST outcome measures will be transformed into Z-scores [46] using...
Similarly, research has shown that professional radiologists exhibit within-subject performance decrements following overnight shifts; diagnostic performance was worse and subjective self-reports of fatigue were higher when assessed the morning after an overnight shift compared to after a normal day shift...
closed to theSCD1transcription start loci were found to have significant methylation differences. The levels of bothSCD-16andSCD-18were significantly high after overnight TSD and were significantly correlated with changes in the 3 loci mentioned above [38]. These results suggest a close relationship...
Then, the membranes were blocked in 5% skim milk for 1 h and incubated overnight at 4 °C in diluted primary antibody. Finally, images of the target strip were developed using a Western Chemiluminescent HRP Substrate Kit (Millipore, USA). Image Lab software (Bio-Rad, USA) was used ...
When the 12:12 light:dark cycle was contaminated with low intensity light at night, a markedly different picture emerged. Thus, with the low melatonin levels throughout the 24-h period, all the tumor markers measured remained persistently in a high state of activity; these increases were ...
Cimarosti H, Rodnight R, Tavares A, Paiva R, Valentim L, Rocha E, Salbego C: An investigation of the neuroprotective effect of lithium in organotypic slice cultures of rat hippocampus exposed to oxygen and glucose deprivation. Neuroscience letters. 2001, 315 (1): 33-36. Article CAS PubMe...