For one, it was the third in a series of “supermoons”, where a Full Moon coincides with the Moon being closer in its orbit to Earth (aka. perigee) and thus appears larger. It was also the second full moon of the month, which is otherwise known as a “Blue Moon“. Lastly, for...
241. Moar Krabs: A Spongebob creepypasta is not a Spongebob meme. 242. Toasters: Not funny if the topic is gun control. 243. Surprised Patrick: His face is the blowjob you meme makers imagine getting. 244. Forever Alone: Some of you deserve it. 245. Falcon Punch Guy: His name is ...
moonbingo\.com$ (^|\.)mooo\.com$ (^|\.)morbell\.com$ (^|\.)morningsun\.org$ (^|\.)moroneta\.com$ (^|\.)mos\.ru$ (^|\.)motherless\.com$ (^|\.)motiyun\.com$ (^|\.)motor4ik\.ru$ (^|\.)mousebreaker\.com$ (^|\.)movements\.org$ (^|\.)moviefap\.com...
Every few months, the AI world goes crazy for an agent-like product, from BabyAGI last year to Devin AI (an “AI software engineer”) just recently. However, in general, much of this excitement has provenprematureto date. There’s a lot of work to be done first to make Generative les...