(where wuhan was located). we also used an alternative measure of the local ai development, which was the logarithm of the cumulative number of pre-grant publications of ai-related patents from 2012 to 2019 at the provincial level. the results were qualitatively similar to those ...
The 8-item Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D 8) has been widely used to measure depressive symptoms in many large-scale surveys. Due to its brevity, it can lower costs, relieve respondent burdens, and ensure data quality. However, its factor structure and measurement inva...
longer articles tend to have higher scores simply because they contain more spans; thus, there is an inherent bias in the "sum" strategy. Length normalization plays an important role in text retrieval [37,38], but I leave a thorough exploration of this issue for future work. ...
The injury severity score (ISS) assigns a numerical score as a measure of the degree of global injury severity. It ranges from 1 to 75 which represents a range from minor injuries (designated by lower scores) to more severe injuries resulting in an increased risk of mortality (designated by...
This section demonstrates how a measure of frailty can capture the heterogeneity within the demographic groups defined by age and sex. Table8shows the average values of key model health and cost outcomes by frailty category for men aged 60–69 years, serving here as an example of a demographic...
Studies have demonstrated that the sigmoid kernel function falls under the category of global kernel functions, thereby enabling the effective extraction of global characteristics from samples. The similarity measure derived from the sigmoid kernel function has found application in the research conducted by...
Note that these parameters in Equation (5) measure partial effects, that is, after controlling for the country in which the region lies. Stated otherwise, the gross differences in e-commerce demand between countries with regard to income and distance from the CDC will be captured in the ...
Limiting the search to English language is one of the limitations of this study. Another limitation was the difficulty to compare the results, since the tools used to measure the same outcome varied widely between the studies. Various questionnaires were used to detect IPV, assess decisional confli...
S7-S8). Besides, Matthew’s correlation coefficient (MCC), a measure of association for two binary variables, in the ClinVarTest dataset confirmed that 0.5 was a reliable threshold for this benchmark (Additional file 2: Fig. S7-S8). To examine the effects of different ratios between the ...
The proposed approach has been found to be better than the Laplacian distribution[165] in terms of bias between the actual and estimated values of PSNR. The authors in[172] have used DCT basis functions to evaluate kurtosis measure of images for quality assessment. Three different kinds of ...