The meaning of FULL-FLEDGED is fully developed : total, complete. How to use full-fledged in a sentence.
The meaning of FULL is containing as much or as many as is possible or normal —often used with of. How to use full in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Full.
full of meaning 美 英 na.意味深长的 英汉 na. 1. 意味深长的 1. hetoldme,givingmealookfullofmeaning. 他告诉我,并使了个意味深长的眼神。 2. Thewords--sofullofmeaning-- flewfromherhandto mine. 那些含义多么丰富的词呀,从她的手飞到了我的手。
punctuation mark,punctuation- the marks used to clarify meaning by indicating separation of words into sentences and clauses and phrases suspension point- (usually plural) one of a series of points indicating that something has been omitted or that the sentence is incomplete ...
Full to the limit; as full as possible:a report chock-full of errors. [Middle Englishchokkeful,chokke-,of unknown meaning(perhaps fromchoken,to choke; seechoke, or fromchokken,to thrust, from Old Frenchchoquer,to collide with; seeshock1) +-ful,-ful.] ...
(of cloth) to become compacted or felted. Discover More Other Words From full·nessnoun Discover More Word History and Origins Origin offull1 First recordedbefore 900;Middle English,Old Englishfull, ful;cognate withGothicfulls,Old Norsefullr,Old High Germanfoll(Germanvoll); akin toLatinplēnus,...
full of light; shining brightly。 3. bright red 指的是 鲜艳的红色,对应选项 B. of a colour, shining and easy to see。 4. bright 指的是 明亮的,对应选项 A. full of light; shining brightly。 题目二: 5. times 指的是 乘法,对应选项 A. used in comparisons to show how much more, ...
+ Full English Dictionary - Offline +Features:- More than 172000 words.- More than 180,000 s | English Dictionary - Offline怎么样,是否值得买 |
When he spoke, his words werefull of meaningand power; otherwise he was silent. Quando parlava, le sue parole eranopiene di significatoe di forza, altrimenti rimaneva in silenzio. Literature In comic or tragic vein, the language is rich, lively,full of meaning, reminiscent of Shakespeare....
For example, in the English language, words such as "a," "and," "is," and "the" are left out of the full-text index since they are known to be useless to a search. A stopword can also be a token that does not have linguistic meaning. Stoplists. Stopwords are managed in ...