For PGPR to be utilized in agriculture in efficient and long-lasting ways, it is crucial to understand the basis of their interactions. PGPR-PGPR interactions can affect the variety and composition of the microbial population in the rhizosphere, which can affect plant development and health and ev...
W e met up an d arrange d a DNA.T h e results wer e -Ronni e was my half-brother, meaning w e hav e the father. It was a very happy moment for n e, meeting a bloo d relation after having grown up as an only son. Most , Ronnie fille d in som e of th e gaps (...
Editor’s Choice: Defining “drinking culture”: a critical review of its meaning and connotation in social research on alcohol problems. Drugs Educ Prev Policy. 2016. Article Google Scholar Rehm J, Room R. The cultural aspect: How to measure ...
The cohort members lived in neighborhoods that were more deprived (lower SES) than the neighborhoods of the average KPNC member: the study cohort had a mean NDI of 0.99, meaning that the average member of this study cohort lived in a neighborhood that had one standard deviation more ...
We posit that GNWR will help participants make sense and find meaning in their experiences shared in the facilitated group discussion. Making use of the KPM, we believe that GNWR would also fill the gaps in reshaping belief systems left by the lack of structured reflections in many programs....
This would also have the benefit of bringing greater meaning to the use of MTUHA at the hospital. The smooth implementation of the NACP data base at the CTC raises the question as to how this had been achieved. Reference was made to extensive training as well as to staff incentives. It ...
They acknowledged the limitations of female CHWs in this regard and welcomed the introduction of male CHWs. “In the night ASHA Maa [ASHA] can’t go anywhere, ASHA Bapa [MHA] is Purusha [meaning male] so he can go, he can help everything,”, relayed a woman in Telkoi who recently ...
To interpret biological meaning of this chromatin interaction, we integrated the WashU Epigenome Browser with gene annotation; histone modification H3K4me1, H3K4me3, and H3K27ac; and chromHMM [25] in K562 cells. We found that the two interacting loci are the promoter of SLC25A37 and a ...
In this task, color-words are presented and participants are asked to name the color of the ink and ignore the meaning of the word. In many cases, participants cannot ignore the irrelevant dimension, which interferes with processing of the relevant one. Such a result is considered both a ...
Performing a cross-sectional study only allowed for assessment of oral health at a point in time, which may have resulted in over or under-estimation of true oral health status. Finally, the study population was predominantly African, meaning results are not generaliseable to refugee children ...