A tag is a pointer to a commit, and has no further meaning. A tagged commit however is the target for packagers. If your distribution has blocked -U self updater and you want a newer version: Open /etc/inxi.conf and change false to true: B_ALLOW_UPDATE=true --- SPECIAL NOTE FOR L...
With a significant number of various workflows executing in cloud environments, the proposed model-based approach can be used for the optimisation of a wide range of application types. In this paper, we use an example of two different application types to demonstrate how the knowledge about applic...
During baseline and exit assessments, clinics were asked to submit SBIRT and MAUD performance data via fillable PDF. The SBIRT performance data were provided in one of three formats: (1) the Oregon CCO SBIRT Metric [56]; (2) the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPs) format [72], ...
the overall shape is quite oval, meaning that the retaining system tightens more against the sides of the head than on the forehead or the rear of the occipital
(meaning immunoglobulins), which belong to A, M, G, E, and D classes. Thus, participants in the primary, acute infectious process are class M immunoglobulins (IgM), showing a critical phase. Subsequently, IgM antibodies in the blood disappear, and class G immunoglobulins (IgG) production ...
hosts some computing nodes and provides external resources for the middle layer. In the proposed architecture, resources are mobile in the system, meaning that they can be in different places at different times. Also, resources have limited energy consumption and bandwidth. Therefore, computational re...
For the input pseudo-code text embedding vector features, we first input the sequence to a region embedding layer. The result of a convolution layer containing a multi-size convolution filter is called a region embedding, meaning an embedding resulting from a set of convolution operations on a ...
ε[t] is assumed to be a Gaussian noise with mean zero and unknown standard deviationσThe biological meaning of Equation (1) is thaty[t] (the target gene's expression value at time pointt) is determined byk+∑i=1Ndi⋅xi[t−τi](the production effect of RNA polymerase II and T...
The name of a gene should either briefly describe the phenotype and/or convey some meaning as to the function of the gene product, if known. All new gene names should be approved by and registered with the CGSNL to avoid confusion and duplication. The rice community gives priority to the ...
The W3C's [3]Semantic Web [4–6] is a promising candidate: it allows web information to be expressed in fine-grained structured ways so applications can more readily and precisely extract and cross-reference key facts and information from it without having to worry about disambiguating meaning ...