The functional response of a plant community to a wildfire can be used to study the response to the new environment and to the disturbance across taxa (Donato et al.2009). Traits related to regeneration strategies (i.e., seed longevity, germination, growth form) and competition (i.e., gro...
The transformer [1] is a well-known deep neural network (DNN) model, which has revolutionized the artificial intelligence (AI) field. The architecture of the transformer builds the backbone of large language models (LLM), enabling them to harness the power of vast amounts of data to gain a...
GCB and ICG loans grew by $41 billion in total with contribution from every region in Consumer as well as TTS, the Private Bank and traditional Corporate Lending. Our progress was broad-based in 2017 with revenue growth and positive operating leverage and operating margin expansion in our ...
Citigroup revenues of $17.0 billion in the fourth quarter 2021 increased 1%, reflecting strong growth in Investment Banking, the Private Bank and Securities Services in ICG and growth in Corporate / Other, partially offset by lower revenues across regions in GCB and in Fixed Income Markets i...
[ 24 ]. while the meaning of the former is probably clear, the latter characterizes how effective additional redundancy will be for improving coverage in light of increasingly-important stochastic effects. of these two metrics, p c is the more conservative and could be thought of as setting an...