Class-specific mean scores for fruit/veg and confectionary consumption were converted to a percentage (with confectionary reverse coded so higher scores represent healthier outcomes in all instances) meaning indicators are all scored on an equivalent scale of 0-1 (e.g., response categories ranged ...
Decreasing the friction coefficient β to 0.07–0.02 decreases the worth of EMS time in stroke outcomes, meaning that the criteria for choosing a destination can be factors other than time (e.g., resources and congestion). Selecting a hospital from a wider range of locations where the stroke ...
Firstly, the meaning of a public value approach to public sector reform tends to vary from country to country (Bozeman Citation2002). For example, O’Flynn (Citation2007, 358) describes the public value approach as ‘multi-dimensional … created not just through outcomes but also through ...
All platforms use lazy-binding meaning that parts of the binary won't be loaded in memory until the first function call gdal.RasterBand.noDataValue now returns NaN if the original value was NaN instead of null; when setting it to null it correctly clears the NoDataValue instead of setting...
The pattern designed should be optimal, meaning that technically it ensures the proper removal of pollution and economically it ensures the highest efficiency. Considering those requirements it appears that rectangular grid pattern model is optimal. Algorithm’s raw architecture The feature class will be...
The SDE model was developed under assumption that the observed COVID-19 cases follow the normal distribution meaning that the cases are densest in the centre and becoming less dense toward the periphery. Hence, the use of SDE tool must considered the variance of the data and the shape of the...
Early sexual intercourse (SI) may have long-lasting negative impacts on health-related quality of life (HRQoL). So far, these impacts have been studied using age for defining early SI instead of feelings about its timing. The present study examined the association between feelings about the timi...
presence of t. b. gambiense in the midgut; risk5: risk4+ risk2; risk6: risk4 + risk3. geographical information system mapping material for this region of cameroon was provided by esri. projections of all epidemiological and entomological results were performed using arcgis®. results ...
(3) A clearly defined nomenclature: where nomenclature used in the classification scheme is exacting and clearly constrain the meaning of terms and an initial glossary of terms agreed upon and implemented by users; (4) accommodate diverse sources of data: where geospatial habitat data take many ...
The free energy 10.8 ± 1.9 kJ mol−1 adnifdfe1r8en.6c ±es 2f.o9r ktJhme torla−n1,sirteiospnefcrtoivmelyth15e,26n,atthiveecsotrarteesptoonindtienrgmveodliuamteestdaitfefesrIe1nacneds aIr2ear−e 66 ± 26 mL mol−1 and −125 ...