What is the meaning of this? (_To_ PHILAMINTE) The thing is of great importance, then? PHI. Certainly; did you ever find me unreasonable? CHRY. Has she, through carelessness, allowed some ewer or silver dish to be stolen from us? PHI. That would be of little moment. CHRY. (_to_...
“Meaning and Context in Analysing Extremism: The Banalization of the Far-right in Spanish Public Controversies.” Critical Studies on Terrorism. (Open in a new window)Google Scholar Financial Times. (2019). “The Rise of the Far-right Has Been Ignored for Too Long.” Financial Times. 15...
The translation reliably seeks to emphasise Australian friendship for China, at times overtly changing the meaning of Hawke’s English original. For instance, Hawke writes that ‘My predecessors, Whitlam and Fraser, were well-regarded in China’, while the Chinese translation reads, ‘My predecessor...
Profound philosophers Jean Kazez and Chris Heathwood develop both subjective and objective theories to help define the true meaning of a substantial life. Jean Kazez is responsible for the objective view of well being, where life requires fundamental goods or necessities for a good life. On the ...
the study diet (visit 0), although four were subsequently excluded because complete clinical records were not available, meaning that 15 dogs completed stage (1) Two dogs completing stage 1 only had histological evidence of gastric inflammation and were therefore excluded from stage 2 of the study...
Spirituality or religiousness are reported as another coping strategy to find meaning in the disease and therefore the ability to cope with it [15]. Few recommendations with regard to coping strategies have been made. As there is often a desire for interaction with other patients, self-help ...
And since I gave the apostrophe so much time last time, I thought I’d give the same amount of space to the comma here. Following is an example from Truss’s book about how punctuation can change the meaning of a string of words: A woman, without her man, is nothing. A woman: ...
Equation (2) is applied differently depending on CM, and its meaning is as follows. The duties of the MNRVs must basically satisfy the magnitude of VC*. At the same time, the voltage deviations among all capacitors are reduced by applying two controller outputs (dcomp12_3 and dcomp1_23...
Original lyrics of Viscose Oseal Fibroma song by Disgorge. Explain your version of song meaning, find more of Disgorge lyrics. Watch official video, print or download text in PDF. Comment and share your favourite lyrics.
Based on the understanding of teachers teaching content, analyzes the inner relationship between textbooks and external links, based on the relation of the material meaning memory than rote learning materials to rely on external connection more rapid and lasting. Sum up the material, and then memory...