argument: /usr/local/bin/ora2pg -c /etc/ora2pg/new_ora2pg.conf Here are all command line parameters available when using ora2pg: Usage: ora2pg [-dhpqv --estimate_cost --dump_as_html] [--option value] -a | --allow str : Comma separated list of objects to allow from export. ...
If more than one method needs to be specified, then a table with a list of methods can be passed instead of one string value: fm.setRoute({"/hello(/:name)", method = {"GET", "POST"}}, function(r) return "Hello, "..( or "World!") end) Every route that allows...
To use the program, a user first provides a list of genomic variants with genomic coordinates and optional information, such as AF and eQTL significance. Then, GEG-SH mapper will select candidate GSH sites by integrating TAD information; chromatin interaction information; epigenetic information such ...
Write a clear changelist description Automate the easy stuff Answer questions with the code itself Narrowly scope changes Separate functional and non-functional changes Respond graciously to critiques Artfully solicit missing information Award all ties to your reviewer Minimize lag between rounds of review...
This creates a major missing link in the grass family for comparative genomics. More serious than the missing link for comparative analyses is the lack of genomic resources of bamboo. This hampers biological investigations of this group of morphologically and physiologically unique and ecologically and...
Methanomassiliicoccales are a recently identified order of methanogens that are diverse across global environments particularly the gastrointestinal tracts of animals; however, their metabolic capacities are defined via a limited number of cultured strai
This assembly included mate-pair Illumina libraries with insert sizes of up to 9 kbp, which helped us to predict the order and orientation of a number of the nine mitochondrial contigs. This was then followed by a process of designing primers to span contigs, followed by Sanger sequencing to...
was used to call theFLAMESPython functions directly from R. TheFLAMESpackage (Additional file2: Fig S2) thus provides a series of wrapper functions for these reticulate Python calls. All basic data type conversion between R and Python, such as R named list to Python dictionary, is handled by...
Many of the H3K9 and H3K14 acetylation peaks are at distal intergenic regions. (B) Dot plot representation of genome-wide co-localization analysis of the H3K9ac and H3K14ac modifications over the 15595 combined promoter list of H3K9 and H3K14ac suggests a strong correlation between these two...
highlighting the shift of the paradigm from microbes as unsocial organisms causing diseases to the holistic view of microorganisms being the center of the One Health Concept: positively interconnecting all areas of our lives. The list of the literature used for this figure can be found in the Sup...