famous golf courses, and picturesque coastline environment. Known as the “Home of Golf,” St Andrews offers a delightful mix of academic heritage, sporting prestige, and picturesque landscapes along the North Sea.
Tea-consumers believe that tea has the functions of prolonging life, improving health, and thwarting diseases such as peroxide-associated diseases, cardiovascular diseases, immuno-related diseases, hepatic diseases, diabetes mellitus, inflammation, cancer, obesity, etc. [3,4,5]. Moreover, they can ...
The optical microscopy (OM) with polarized light is one of the most frequently-applied tool in the mineralogical and petrographic investigation of minerals and rocks of ancient buildings [40]. The visible light must pass through a thin section of the specimen (transmitted-light TL-OM, or polariz...
Tea-consumers believe that tea has the functions of prolonging life, improving health, and thwarting diseases such as peroxide-associated diseases, cardiovascular diseases, immuno-related diseases, hepatic diseases, diabetes mellitus, infla...