Imperative programming is a programming paradigm in which a program consists of statements (or commands to the computer) that change a program’s state. Imperative programming focuses on describing how a program operates, and imperative code closely maps to machine code native to the computer. At ...
After wiring up the cables, you may apply hot glue to some of the connectors. Please see the images below for detailed information about the hardware setup. Below is a list of the hardware items with an overall price of about $3K (not including Diablo, fabricated carbon fiber brackets, or...
The list of sub-rewards is itemized as follows: Imitation Reward (rp and re): These two terms encourage the exoskeleton to minimize the difference between the current and reference motions in terms of the joint positions (pt) and end-effector positions (xt). rp=exp[−σp∑j||p^...
Even more, the user can execute all the previous commands saved in history without writing again. Further, it also shows a detailed tree structure for easy selection of folders and files. Matlab Download has a complete list of all the variables currently running. The user can save the workpla...
This causes subsequent commands to crash. For example, some of these variables are passed to fprintf, which does not accept sparse-representation input. I could, of course, go back through my code and coerce the full representation with the full command, ...
The inclusion criteria were: > 1 year post Spinal Cord Injury or persons without history of walking impairments. The exclusion criteria were: presence of contraindications to Lokomat training (a complete list can be found at; inability or unwillingness ...
This causes subsequent commands to crash. For example, some of these variables are passed to fprintf, which does not accept sparse-representation input. I could, of course, go back through my code and coerce the full representation with the full command,...
It includes a complete list of all classes and interfaces for each package as well as their inheritance structure and summaries of their public fields, constructors, and methods. Figure 4 This basic iiV architecture diagram shows the control and flow of data from input files to display and ...
NET to show a large list of available choices. We have autocomplete set to suggestappend. This works great if the user has showing on screen ONLY the blank field for the combo box. As they type in the field it shows the list of choices that match the typing and it allows them to ...
An understanding of epidemiological dynamics, once confined to mathematical epidemiologists and applied mathematicians, can be disseminated to a non-mathematical community of health care professionals and applied biologists through simple-to-use simulati