The study of contemporary art is one of the main means of implementing aesthetic education in China. This discipline allows a student to develop a system of spiritual values, reveal talents and acquire skills needed for professional growth. Chinese art i
Use the search box in the top right corner to find the book. By default, the list of results shows collection from popular libraries. You can sort the results by relevance, views, title, and the date of adding the item to the catalog. You can use the tools on the left side to narro...
Since 2016, China's space industry has made rapid and innovative progress, manifested by a steady improvement in space infrastructure, the completion and operation of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, the completion of the high-resolution earth observation system, steady improvement of the service...
The Museum of the Third Congress of the Communist Party of China was conserved and expanded, the first list of revolutionary cultural relics in Guangdong and the first group of 39 districts of historic and cultural significance published, an action plan to protect and utilize historic and cultural...
Here is the complete list of books published by one of the most prolific writers in the genre of thrillers of the '80s and ’90s, Dean Koontz.
Blacklist (Sara Paretsky) - PI Warshawski digs up some dirt from the 1950s 6 August 2003 (890) Regulating Racism (Luke McNamara) Racial Vilification Laws in Australia 4 August 2003 (291) *Declares Pereira (Antonio Tabucchi) - a political awakening in 1938 Portugal 30 July 2003 (818)...
The story is well written and heart warming, maybe not on the top if my list for this year, but definitely worth picking up. The End of the World As we Know it by Robert Goolrick A funny, painful and unnerving memoir. I had no idea what I was getting into with this book. Its ...
Like any form of writing, poetry is enhanced by literary devices. Develop your poetry writing skills by inserting metaphor, allegory, synecdoche, metonymy, imagery, and other literary devices into your poems. Read poetry whenever possible. Writing poetry is so much more fruitful when you' re ...
We cut the number of items on the list of provincial rights and responsibilities from 5,567 to 1,069. Guangdong became the first province in China to separate permits and certificates from the business license across the province. The time it takes to approve construction projects and register ...
She diagnosed me with Sensitive Bladder Syndrome, recommended acupuncture and gave me a list of foods to avoid. Her philosophy around having sex with an atrophying vagina was bold. “Really go for it—pound away!” she said banging a fist into one of her open palms. “Get in there and ...