“A burst must not cross a 4KB address boundary.” 21. 关闭仿真,双击定制 IP axi_master_0 以打开其配置界面。 可以看到,自定义 IP 配置为发送突发 (burst),其中含 16 个 32 位的数据,从地址 0x44A00FC8 开始。这意味着写突发将从地址 0x44A00FC8 开始并于地址 0x44A01004 结束。这是一个错误,...
// Optional User-defined signal in the write address channel. output wire [C_M_AXI_AWUSER_WIDTH-1 : 0] M_AXI_AWUSER, // Write address valid. This signal indicates that // the channel is signaling valid write address and control information. output wire M_AXI_AWVALID, // Write addres...
选择使用vivado自带的AXI总线模板创建一个AXI4-FULL接口IP 设置IP的名字为maxi_full 模板支持3种协议,分别是AXI4-Full,AXI4-Lite,AXI4-Stream,这选择Full;总线包括Master和Slave两种模式,这里选择Master模式 这里选择Verify Peripheral IP using AXI4 VIP可以对AXI4-Lite快速验证 单击Finish后展开VIVADO自动产生的demo...
本文介绍了 FIFO 常见的作用,通过一步步配置,再到例程和 testbench 实现一个 FIFO IP 核的调用 。 xilinx 的 FIFO generator core 支持 Native interface FIFOs, AXI Memory Mapped interface FIFOs 和 AXI4-Stream interface FIFOs。 AXI Memory Mapped 和 AXI4-Stream interface FIFOs 是由 Native interface ...
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For AXI memory mapped interfaces, AXI specifies Write Channels and Read Channels. Write Channels include a Write Address Channel, Write Data Channel and Write Response Channel. Read Channels include a Read Address Channel and Read Data Channel. The FIFOGenerator core provides the ability to generate...
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// Next address after AWREADY indicates previous address acceptancealways @(posedge M_AXI_ACLK)beginif (M_AXI_ARESETN == 0 || init_txn_pulse == 1'b1)beginaxi_awaddr <= 'b0;endelse if (M_AXI_AWREADY && axi_awvalid)beginaxi_awaddr <= axi_awaddr + burst_size_bytes;endelseaxi_...