Full size image Production time of antimicrobial metabolites The metabolites from B. amyloliquefaciens N3-8 showed more broadened antimicrobial activity against B. pseudomallei and was therefore selected to grow in minimum medium in duplicate to observe the production of antimicrobial metabolites in time ...
Full size image Discussion The present study showed that the water extract of P.s has high antioxidant activities and free radical-scavenging activity. The effect of antioxidants on DPPH radical scavenging may be due to their hydrogen donating ability. The antioxidant properties of P.s were demonst...
Full size image Phylogroups A and B1, predominantly composed of commensal E. coli strains, are the most commonly detected phylogroups in human sources, while phylogroup B2 is prevalent among herbivorous and omnivorous mammals [36]. Additionally, phylogroup E is associated with cattle [37]. Notab...
Measurements were on 28 days of age (Pre-challenge) and 7 and 14 days after the IBD challenge. a-b Means with no common letter within sampling time subgroup differ P < 0.05. n = 10 birds/treatment. Full size image Cytokine Production...
Full size image AvTD values produced a decreasing pattern from PL to LG to CN phases (Table 3). However, the AvTD value starts to increase from IN to OP. These values showed a positive correlation but not significant with the number of species in the communities in all phases (r = 0.7...
Defense Initiative | Strategic Defense Initiative | Scuba Diving International | Slum Dwellers International | Single Document Interface | Software-Defined Infrastructure | System Deployment Image | Smoke-Developed Index | Stand Density Index | Suction Diesel Injection | Standard Disk Interface | Sulfadim...
Full size image An overall conversion rate of 37.5% was obtained. 36 SNPs out of 86 successfully assayed SNPs were polymorphic, where 13 and 6 SNPs were polymorphic in WD and FL population, respectively, while 17 SNPs were polymorphic in both populations. We also observed that 25% of the ...
Full size image The predictions of the nsSNP inrpoSby these tools are in agreement and show strong correlations among various methodologies. The analysis with I-Mutant 3.0 [66], which is based on the support vector machine (SVM) and DGG stability changes, revealed that the nsSNP inrpoSmay ...
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Full size imageDiscussion The medicinal mushroom L. rhinocerotis has been used extensively by the indigenous people from Peninsular Malaysia. Usually, the sclerotium of the mushroom is grated on a hard surface with some water, and the resulting aqueous mixture is further diluted with water and con...