Neuhaard Pierrick ... Principal Costume Cutter (as Pierrick Neuhaard) Angela Pledge ... Costume Cutter: key costumer Lucy Porter ... trainee costume maker James Randall ... leather worker Gemma Rasmussen ... senior costume maker Claire-Elise Rawlins ... costume prop assistant Ema ...
Beltman MW, Oude Voshaar RC, Speckens AE. Cognitive-behavioural therapy for depression in people with a somatic disease: meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Br J Psychiatry. 2010;197(1):11–9. Article PubMed Google Scholar Gil PJ, Carrillo FX, Meca J. Effectiveness of cognitive...
1V0i6d6e0o. TSh1e: pTrhoejeccht BarMaBctFe"riCzoamtiopnosfioterblaasregde-nsecwalediDelEecAtrsic. elastomer actuators (Candela)" was subdivided Acknoinwtolefdogumr gernotusp: sT.hTihsewForrakunwhaosfefru-InndsteitdutbfyürFeWdeerrkasltMoffi-nuisntdrySotrfaEhdlteucchantiiko,nDarnedsdRene...
wwhheerree tthheettiimmeeppooiinnttiissiinnddiiccaatteeddbbeelloowweeaacchhggrraapphhiicc..NNoottiicceetthheesshhaarrppiinnccrreeaasseeiinnaanngglleessoofftthheeffiibbrreessiinntthhee GGMMmmuusscclleeaass tthhee ccoonnttrraaccttiioonn ddeevveellooppss ffrroomm ttoopp ttoo bboottttoomm ggrraapp...
(3) Haar-like features [58]. We used these features to train SVM classifiers (see “Morphological classification of cell phase” in Methods), whose mean sensitivity and specificity exceeded 0.66 for all classifiers (Additional file2: Table S11). Thus, segmentation of individual cells shows that...
First, by answering the call to investigate the “extent [to which] these [HRM] theories hold true in the educational sector” (Runhaar, Citation2017, p. 651), we add more evidence to the still disputed “usefulness of HRM” (Runhaar & Sanders, Citation2013, p. 236) in schools. Our...