CIL-NP-7000A it uses jumbo rolls as raw paper to process various sizes of napkin paper. The machine start from raw material feeding, embossment, folding and cutting to form to be one line , and then packaging. The product is of sanitation and cleanness. If the customer need to ...
Each article was read in full and analyzed by 3–4 members of the research team. Data was abstracted into a standardized form including the following: title, authors, publication date, design/methods, country of origin, sample characteristics, results, summary, strengths, and weaknesses. Given ...
Data was collected using the Achenbach Youth Self-Report (YSR), the Cowen Perceived Self-Efficacy scale, a Social Support scale as well as an Exposure to Trauma scale. URMs were compared with a matched sample of non-refugee children and adolescents who had never left Vietnam. The study ...
, unlocking new possibilities for treating MET-altered and amplified cancers, and expanding the reach of this innovative therapy to even more patients with this form of lung cancer.” Savolitinib was launched and is marketed under the brand name ORPATHYS ® by our partner, A...
(sncRNAs) using peripheral blood mononuclear cells of human and identify a unique ‘disease RNA code’ named TRY-RNA signature composed of distinct tRNA-derived small RNAs (tsRNAs), rRNA-derived small RNAs (rsRNAs), and YRNA-derived small RNAs (ysRNAs) [244]. This TRY-RNA signature helps...
stigma lobes are slender with inconspicuous stigmatic tissue, corollas that are rarely hypocrateriform, and stems are typically quadrangular. Since Cantino et al. [11], the expanded concept of the Lamiaceae s.l. has been consistently supported as monophyletic by molecular phylogenetic studies [14...
Tumor-induced senescent T cells with suppressor function: A potential form of tumor immune evasion. Cancer Res. 2008;68:870–9. Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar Tomas-Ojer P, Puthenparampil M, Cruciani C, Docampo MJ, Martin R, Sospedra M. Characterization of antigen-induced CD4+ T-cell...
[44], the total score of the German version of the Teacher’s Report Form for Ages 6–18 (TRF/6-18R-total) [45], the total score of the German version of the Youth Self Report for ages 11–18 (YSR/11-18R-total) [46], and the parent-, teacher-, and patient-rated DISYPS-III...
Little research has been done on the signs of child sexual abuse (CSA) in infants and very young children, or on the consequences that such abuse - including the persistence of the abusive pornographic images on the internet - might have for the children and their parents. The effects of CS...
Döpfner M, Melchers P, Fegert J, Lehmkuhl G, Lehmkuhl U, Schmeck K: Deutschsprachige Konsensus Versionen der Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL 4-18), der Teacher Report Form (TRF) und der Youth Self Report Form (YSR). Kindheit und Entwicklung. 1994, 3: 54-59. Google Scholar DGKJP...