The acquired results of the XRF confirms the successful formation of HNT [35]. The XRF spectra shows the presence of Al, and Si, which form the main composition of SiO2 and Al2O3 of Halloysite [34]. Moreover, the SEM micrograph revealed a homogenous distribution of the HNT filler within...
Expand Up @@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ public partial class Settings : Form { ChangeKeyword.Description, "profile description" }, { ChangeKeyword.WindowTitle, "window title" }, { ChangeKeyword.ScrollBar, "scroll bar" }, { ChangeKeyword.MenuBar, "hide menu bar" }, }; /// <summary> Expand ...
Indeed, the high electric field that is required for field emission is closely associated with the curvature and aspect ratio of the emitting material – this field enhancement factor depends upon a number of geometrical factors such as the precise form and orientation of the emitter; in general ...
Dentoform Fine Thread Size Customizable Initial Customizable Surface Treatment Blue and White Zinc Plating Type Pan Head Groove Cross Connection Common Bolt Head Style Round Transport Package Bulk and Box Package Specification 3.5*16mm Tradem...
The experimental data are used to develop and validate empirical response prediction approaches. Equations (3) and (4) for linear and quadratic relationships, correspondingly, illustrate how the input factors interact and affect the desired response, which can be used to determine the form of the ...
including: amount (dose); location (e.g. sub-organ/tissue structure, cell type, subcellular); and chemical state, in particular whether the material remains in its original nano-particulate form or is in an alternative form(s) as a result of dissolution and subsequent chemical reactions in vi...
To minimize effects of noise and spurious associations, the adjacency matrix was transformed into Topological Overlap Matrix (TOM). And TOM-based dissimilarity was used to form modules by dynamic tree cut. Here, we set minimal module size as 30 and cut height as 0.25. We evaluated the ...
from sequencing data, for example, employs many of the data types found along the axis of the central dogma, including reconstruction of genome sequences, gene prediction, determination of encoded protein families, and from there to the substrates of enzymes, which then form the metabolic network...
We discuss the observables for the B -> K*(-> K pi)l(+)l(-) decay, focusing on both CP-averaged and CP-violating observables at large and low hadronic recoil with special emphasis on their low sensitivity to form-factor uncertainties. We identify an optimal basis of observables that ...
(Ikesawa et al.2003; Mukoyoshi et al.2006; Okamoto et al.2006; Ujiie et al.2007b) and are in contrast to pseudotachylytes that form in crystalline rocks under dry conditions (Sibson and Toy2006). One explanation for the occurrence of pseudotachylytes in fluid-saturated fault zones is ...