T D M A sy stem implemented by th e p lat form .It w as done by using tw o co mp uters w ith two w ireless 802 .11 a/b/g L inksys cards . T he wo rk of A shish S .and al consist in a FreeM A C [6] platform with a linux system.The authors have propo ...
sensors Article A High Full Well Capacity CMOS Image Sensor for Space Applications Woo-Tae Kim 1 , Cheonwi Park 1, Hyunkeun Lee 1 , Ilseop Lee 2 and Byung-Geun Lee 1,* 1 School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju 61005, ...
Successful treatment options for cancer result in more young long-term survivors prone for long-term complications. Carotid artery vasculopathy is a potential long-term complication after radiotherapy of the neck, resulting in cerebrovascular events and probably deficits in cognitive and motor functioning....
Successful treatment options for cancer result in more young long-term survivors prone for long-term complications. Carotid artery vasculopathy is a potential long-term complication after radiotherapy of the neck, resulting in cerebrovascular events and probably deficits in cognitive and motor functioning....