Prior to any trial-related activity, the investigator will be given the verbal information and written information in a printed form about the trial to the participant/guardian(s) which they can read and understand. The investigator would ensure that the participant is fully informed about the...
“Golden Hour” of neonatal life is defined as the first hour of post-natal life in both preterm and term neonates. This concept in neonatology has been adopted from adult trauma where the initial first hour of trauma management is considered as golden hour. The “Golden hour” concept includ...
Further parameters of infection*: CMV IgG, Toxoplasma gondii IgG, TPHA, VDRL Metabolic impairments*: rod neutrophiles, segmented neutrophiles, eosinophiles, basophiles, monocytes, lymphozytes, CK, K, Ca, Na, urea, LDH, AST, ALT, χ-GT, total bilirubin, Lipase, creatinine, albumin, total ...
Thus far, great progress has only been made in the development of pre-erythrocytic vaccines against Plasmodium falciparum, the protozoan parasite that causes the most virulent form of malaria in humans. This includes RTS,S (Mosquirix) [4,5], the first approved malaria vaccine, and R21 [6,7]...
(continuous) variables, while the remainder of the variables were binary. The detection of HPV genomes was binary and positives were supplemented by genotype identification. The serology for syphilis included a non-treponemal test (Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL)), a treponemal test (...
In Uganda, health information data are collected through the Health Management Information System (HMIS) [14, 15] at all levels of the health system. The Medical Form Five (MF5) acts as the case record form and is used to document individual patient data during visits to the outpatient depar...
In contrast to STLV, each NHP species is generally infected with a species-specific SIV, i.e. multiple strains from the same host species form a monophyletic clade. This was used to establish the SIV nomenclature that names the various SIVs by adding a three letters code of their common nam...
Laboratory studies included normal chest radiography results, purified protein derivative induration of 4 mm, and negative VDRL and Toxoplasma antibody test results while she was taking systemic corticosteroids. The clinical diagnosis was panuveitis. Histologic examination of the globe revealed granulomatous ...
The main immunological studies, ASO, rheumatoid factor, C3-C4, VDRL, serum immuno-fixation and serum immunoglobulin were normal. The serum markers for HBV, HCV and HIV were negative. The leucocyte formula was normal. A physical examination ruled out the presence of xanthelasma and corneal arc...
Nonresponse will be defined as persistent symptoms, a sustained titer of CSF-VDRL/RPR (i.e., the titer did not decrease by two dilutions or showed reversion to nonreactivity), or an elevated CSF-WBC count during the 12-month follow-up. Recurrence of neurosyphilis Recurrence will be defined...