especially in the form of polypropylene used in the medical field1,2. In industry, propylene is manufactured via steam cracking of light naphtha and fluid catalytic cracking of natural gas or coal with high energy consumption3,4. However, the nonrenewable nature of fossil fuels has forced ...
We relate T to X through the proportional hazards model [23], such that the conditional hazard function of T given X takes the form of h0(t) exp(β′X), where h0(t) is an arbitrary baseline hazard function, β=(β(1)′,…,β(K)′)′, and β(k) is a dk-vector of regression...
Thus in this work, we present a generalized design framework for IIR multiple notch filters whereby we aim to: a) deduce an improved design process of the all-pass filter-based method, b) maximize the availability of phase information of all-pass filter, and c) introduce selection mechanisms ...
Transposable elements (TEs) are major components of eukaryotic genomes. However, the extent of their impact on genome evolution, function, and disease remain a matter of intense interrogation. The rise of genomics and large-scale functional assays has shed new light on the multi-faceted activities ...
In an ecosystem, different species/populations interact with each other to form complicated networks through various types of interactions such as predation, competition and mutualism. On the basis of ecological interactions, ecological networks can be grouped as antagonistic, competitive and mutualistic ne...
Therefore, same-read molecular haplotyping gains power with sequencing read length, and the major source of error is the sequencing error rate. Although often overlooked because of its simplicity, sequencing is the most common form of molecular haplotyping. Other forms of molecular haplotyping include...
Where,FCis the total system cost.NF,NH,Nware the number of thermal units, pumped-storage units, and wind farms, respectively.Tis the number of time periods in the scheduling horizon.di,tFis the state of thermal unitiin the time periodt,di,tF=1denotes the unit is on anddi,tF=0denotes ...
Multiple myeloma is a plasma cell malignancy that develops solid tumors within the protective microenvironment of the bone marrow [1, 2]. These malignant B cells form bone lesions and produce misfolded paraproteins that result in frequent infections, anemia, amyloidosis, and kidney failure [3, 4]...
i.e.and. We shall show that all these cases are in fact decidable. In order to arrive at a decision procedure we rely on effective reducibility to a canonical (-normal) form. These forms are then inductively translated into a class of automata over infinite alphabets that represent the ass...
In acute laminitis, the disintegration of the dermal-epidermal junction can cause the third phalanx to detach from the hoof wall, leaving the horse unable to bear weight on the affected limbs. Horses that survive the acute phase transition into a chronic form of laminitis, which is often ...