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The log fold change (logFC) threshold was set at 0.01, and the minimum percentage of cells expressing the gene (min.pct) was set at 0.01. The significance of DEGs was determined by log2FC > 0.5 and adjusted P-value < 0.05. Protein activities of transcription factors (TFs) ...
We have recently profiled the 3D organization and long-range interactome of human THP-1 monocytes and THP-1-derived macrophages through deeply sequenced in situ Hi-C experiments. High-resolution mapping of DNA loops identified both static and dynamic loop-based regulation of key macrophage genes du...
I really wonder how many people actually care about the feature parity with TFS, or redesigned workflow of Git stuff (like the last updates), while in fact not supporting submodules properly breaks the experience constantly. For example: Viewing the history of an item that’s located in a su...
Reportedly, HMGB1 released from damaged cells could induce a metabolic shift from glucose-dependent aerobic respiration to glycolysis via the suppression of the dimeric form of PKM2 [46]. In metabolic flux assays, LPS significantly enhanced glycolysis, but inhibited OXPHOS in primary microglia [47]....
distinct patterns of ion assimilation and hormonal responses in different cell clusters [42], revealing the key developmental regulatory factors that promote the transformation of stem cells into different cell types [45] and has identified cell type-specific genes and regulatory patterns of TFs during...
Copy form values from one website to another Could not complete the request to remote agent URL Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\inetsrv\~\pics\scotpic2.jpg'. Could not find file 'c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\ab.html'. Error Could not find file of path co...
2.5. Analysis of the Full-Length Transcriptome According to the subread data, each Read of Insert (ROI) was identified, and then the consensus form of each ROI was integrated. The full-length non-chimeric reads and the non-full-length reads of the ROIs were used for the next analysis. Th...
In any case, it is assumed that the nucleotide conservation of a specific region in the set of sequences is indicative of a selective pressure required for the recognition of TFs for their corresponding TFBSs. Based on this principle, the goal of many programs that have been developed to ...
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